Akademicki Związek św. Bonifacego w Braniewie w drugiej połowie XIX wieku

Journal Title: Studia Warmińskie - Year 2017, Vol 54, Issue 54


The Academic Boniface Association in Braniewo (Akademischer Bonifatiusverein) was founded on 25 October 1887 on the initiative of Bernhard Oestreich. At that time, 28 students of the Seminary in Braniewo joined it. The purpose of the organization was to fulfil the spiritual and financial needs of Catholics living in diaspora. Rev. Prof. Franz Dittrich became a protector of the association, starting from the winter term of 1887-1888. The lecturers of the Lyceum Hosianum and animators of the Seminary were usually honorary members of the organization. Any student of the Seminary could be an ordinary member, and any graduate could be an extraordinary member. The funds for the statutory objectives of the association were obtained by collecting membership fees as well as from extraordinary revenues (selling stamps and beer, donations for theatre performances, concerts etc.). Thanks to them, academic centres in Halle, Kiel, Berlin etc. were supported. In 1888 it was decided that one third of the collected financial resources of the Braniewo association would be transferred to the pastoral institutions of the Bishopric of Warmia. Since then, Święta Siekierka, Górowo Iławeckie, Kętrzyn, Ełk and Gołdap have been among its beneficiaries.

Authors and Affiliations

Marek Jodkowski


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Marek Jodkowski (2017). Akademicki Związek św. Bonifacego w Braniewie w drugiej połowie XIX wieku. Studia Warmińskie, 54(54), 329-347. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-311184