Актуальні питання кримінального провадження у порядку перейняття
Journal Title: Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ - Year 2015, Vol 69, Issue 2
Розглянуто кримінальне провадження у порядку перейняття – важливої форми міжнародного співробітництва (ст. 542, гл. 45 КПК України). Акцентовано увагу на загальних положеннях його реалізації та особливостях, пов’язаних із правовими та організаційними питаннями, перекладом відповідних матеріалів, збиранням криміналістичної інформації. Рассмотрены вопросы передачи уголовного производства – важной формы международного сотрудничества (ст. 542, гл. 45 УПК Украины). Акцентировано внимание на общих положениях его реализации и особенностях, связанных с правовыми и организационными вопросами, переводом соответствующих материалов, сбором криминалистической информации. The article deals with the criminal proceedings in the manner of takeover – an important form of international cooperation (Art. 542, Ch. 45 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine). The attention paid to the terms of its implementation and the features associated with legal and organizational issues, translation of relevant materials, gathering forensic information. There are two main situations that arise in the circumstances: 1) the person after the crime in Ukraine is abroad and does not seem Ukraine. In this case, the materials of the criminal proceedings transmitted to the competent authorities of the foreign state and the offender liable under the law of the State in which he is or was arrested. Materials sent to the competent authority of the requested State through the center (authorized) authority – Prosecutor General of Ukraine, or when the direct order of relations between the competent authorities – in authority; 2) the crime committed abroad, but the person is in the territory of Ukraine not be extradited to a foreign state. In this case the person liable under the law of Ukraine on the basis of the relevant application and the criminal proceedings transferred from a foreign state showing a person suspected of a crime. Criminal proceedings in the manner of takeover from foreign competent authority, beginning with pre-trial investigation and in accordance with the CPC of Ukraine. The information contained in the materials received organ of a foreign state in its territory in accordance with its law recognized admissible at trial in Ukraine, if it does not violate principles of the criminal proceedings stipulated by the Constitution of Ukraine and the Code, and they are not obtained in violation of human rights and Fundamental Freedoms (p. 1, 2 of Art. 598 of CPC of Ukraine). Proponent recourse competent authority of the requesting State informed of the outcome of the request, a decision in the criminal proceedings.
Authors and Affiliations
Y. N. Chornous
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