Актуальні проблеми усної історії на Бухарестському міжнародному конгресі істориків 1980 р. / Actual problems of the oral history at the Bucharest International Congress of historians in 1980


The Bucharest International Congress of Historians o f 1980 clearly reflected the achievements of European historians in the field o f oral history. It can be argued that the scientific community formed two approaches to understanding the role o f oral historical evidence in the study of the past. According to the first approach, memories should be used in the absence o f written documents, or as an additional source of information. This position was most fully expressed by the East German historian Ralph Richter and his Hungarian counterpart Tibor Eren. In turn, the Hungarian historian Glyants Ferenc expressed his position on the first-grade oral evidence, especially when studying the problems o f everyday life. His opinion was supported by Jose Alan and Richard Khovansyan, who specialized in the study o f the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and the Armenian genocide during the First World War. Also at the international congress o f historians in the capital of Romania, an important segment of the discussion field was the formation o f a quality oral history base. So, Mercedes Vilanova, Dominic Villes, Theodore Barker, Jose Alan drew the attention o f their colleagues to the fact that the researcher of oral history is able to provide a high level o f information content and reliability o f the source database. For this, the historian must rationally use the technological advances o f the second half o f the twentieth century and use a tape recorder in "field work”. This, in turn, should relieve the researcher from the need for written notation and allow him to concentrate on the respondent’s answers. Also, the audio recording should ensure recording o f respondent's emotions, changes in his voice and behavior when the nature of the questions changes. In addition, researchers o f oral history pay attention to the ability to choose the right respondent and skillfully ask questions that would most fully reflect his personal vision o f the past. Some participants o f the meeting made a post-positivist approach to memories and assess the authenticity o f historical memory. They analyzed the practical problems o f collecting oral testimonies, emphasized the importance o f scientific and technological progress for the development of oral history, outlined the stages of preparation and conduct o f interviews, considered the criteria for selecting respondents, noted the interdisciplinary nature o f oral history. The diversity o f opinions expressed clearly illustrates the role of congresses as a platform for dialogue between representatives o f different approaches to the study o f the past

Authors and Affiliations

Serhiy Taboransky


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Serhiy Taboransky (2018). Актуальні проблеми усної історії на Бухарестському міжнародному конгресі істориків 1980 р. / Actual problems of the oral history at the Bucharest International Congress of historians in 1980. Історичні студії суспільного прогресу, 6(), 90-99. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-503659