Aktywne uczenie się języka obcego metodą Storyline w przedszkolu
Journal Title: Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue 2
Active Learning a Foreign Language Using the Storyline Method in Kindergarten This article presents the description, assumptions, goals, scheme and application of the Scottish method activating Storyline in the context of teaching a foreign language in kindergarten. Author presents this concept as helpful when actively learning, developing language skills and communication skills. Presented way of applying this method takes into consideration the possibilities, skills, interests and psychophysical determinants of children. Thanks to the fact that it is adapted to pre-school children and allows them to participate actively it is attractive and interesting for them. In addition to the theoretical part, author puts in and describes a quasi experiment conducted during the French language classes in a kindergarten group of 5-yearolds and 6-year-olds children using the Storyline method according to the original scenario. Classes concerned the summary of the material learned and the knowledge gained. The article aims to introduce Storyline to pedagogues, especially those who work with children and teach a foreign language.
Authors and Affiliations
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