Alcohol abuse being the cause of medical emergency teams intervention

Journal Title: Polish Journal of Public Health - Year 2011, Vol 121, Issue 3


Introduction. Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are global problems. According to WHO data, over 100 million of people in the world suffer alcoholism being the clinical disease. However intoxication is a major cause of accidents and injuries, and also those related to violence. Aim. The paper aimed to present the problem of alcohol abuse being the cause of ambulance teams’ interventions. Material and methods. There were analysed medical documents of Emergency Medical Service teams: “Departure Order Cards of Ambulance Service”. Altogether 1626 cards from Śródmieście and Garbów stations subordinated to Provincial Ambulance Service in Lublin, were analysed. Out of them 173 cards documented emergency departures to patients being under the influence of alcohol. Results. The findings indicate that 10.5% of patients benefitting from EMS aid, were intoxicated. Those interventions mostly concerned men aged 21-30 years. Usually EMS teams were dispatched to such patients as urgent or ordinary responses; rarely as emergency. Majority of patients required hospitalisation at the Hospital Casualty Unit.

Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Rudnicka-Drożak, Anna Aftyka


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How To Cite

Ewa Rudnicka-Drożak, Anna Aftyka (2011). Alcohol abuse being the cause of medical emergency teams intervention. Polish Journal of Public Health, 121(3), 238-241.