Algal indication research in Ukraine


The development and establishing of the algal indicator focus of investigations in Ukraine are analyzed. The main achievements and results of work by algologists, hydrobiologists and ecologists in terms of the use of algal indicators for the ecological state of water bodies and streams, as well as ecological and biological indices of species composition, characterizing and determining the type of watercourse studies are characterized. The possibility of attracting these data to the general ecological characteristics of the state of the water body is presented. Multifaceted use and exponent of freshwater and marine groups of micro- and macroalgae, their taxonomic structure and individual indicator species in studying the specific features of water bodies and determining their state or characteristics of individual sections of the watercourse are shown. The complementarity and conformity of algal indicators in the assessment of water quality in accordance with the methods and standards of the "Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC" is noted. The methodologically determining role of diagnostic algal species in the formation of names of algocoenosis, their bio- and ecotopic confinement, the indicator of anthropogenic load, the level of saprobity and trophicity of water bodies, as well as the importance of attracting individual ecological and physiological indices of these species during algal indication of polluted water bodies is discussed. The relevance of algal indicator studies as a modern method for assessing not only the aquatic ecosystem as a whole, but also the quality of water, is demonstrated.

Authors and Affiliations

O. P. Bilous, P. M. Tsarenko


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  • EP ID EP500776
  • DOI 10.31861/biosystems2018.01.073
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How To Cite

O. P. Bilous, P. M. Tsarenko (2018). Algal indication research in Ukraine. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 10(1), 73-83.