Allergenic pollen as an indicator of climate change
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 11
Climate change, combined with exposure to air pollutants, can adversely affect the quality of life of patients with pollinosis. Meteorological factors such as temperature and precipitation can correct the aeropalynological prognosis in different years. With this in mind, the purpose of this article was to study the influence of meteorological factors and pollutants on the dynamics of the pollen content of plants in the air and its modifications associated with climate change. It was established that the temperature increase in the spring in Bishkek favoured intensive pollinating of trees and shrubs, and in the fall — of weeds. Precipitation and relative humidity dramatically negatively affected the pollen content, due to fragmentation, the disintegration of native pollen into smaller fragments. Air pollutants influenced both positively (dust, benz–a–pyrene) on the dynamics of the pollen content, and negatively (SO2, NO2, CO). The number of polymorphic, teratomorphic, deformed and fragmented pollen grains, especially of grass and weeds, has increased in the aeropatinological spectrum, which in the future will contribute to the weighting of pollinosis and the development of symptoms of pollen asthma. The obtained results serve as the basis for creating a regional pollen monitoring service, its inclusion in the global network and taking into account the allergenic properties of trees and shrubs when greening cities in the republic.
Authors and Affiliations
V. Кobzar
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