Alternative Dispute Resolution procedures in the United States of America
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2014, Vol 6, Issue 1
The forms of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures developed in the 1960s in the United States. They were applied for the first time in the 1970s in environmental protection cases. They were introduced as a result of a noticeable crisis of inefficiency in the courts, rising costs, the increasing lengthiness of cases and formalisation of the court procedure. The ADR is based on conciliation of the parties rather than judgement. This is possible through ensuring a broad participation of the parties in the dispute resolution, for example, by their influence on the choice of arbiters, mediators and the application of simplified procedures. The ADR has as its objective the replacement of the adjudication process by forms of arbitration, contract, mediation and conciliation. The end is to achieve a compromise. The basic division of the ADR is into the basic and mixed (hybrid) forms. The basic ones include mediation, negotiations and arbitration. The hybrid forms include, for example, the court – annexed arbitration, conciliation, fact finding, mandated settlements and negotiated settlements, med-arb (mediation-arbitration), mini-trial, corporate ombudsman, Rent a Judge, and confidential listener. Amongst the ADR institutions serving to resolve disputes out of court, the most important are negotiations, mediation and arbitration. The ADR tools are successfully used for solving disputes in civil law, labour law, and administrative law and even in criminal cases. American agencies also apply an ADR procedure called reg-neg to work out the content of legal regulations between officials and representatives of the parties concerned. ADR forms are also used in appeal proceedings. Despite unquestionable advantages of the ADR methods, there are critics who blame them with lowering the standard of the judiciary. There is no doubt that the application of ADR results in de-formalisation and simplification of the court proceedings and often in delegating the position of a negotiator or mediator to people without a legal background. However, this should not overshadow the greatest asset of the ADR, namely, the achievement of permanent agreements satisfactory for both parties.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Bentkowska
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[b][i]La Ley Española 3/2007 Para La Igualdad Efectiva De Mujeres Y Hombres: Principios Generales Y Novedades En El Ámbito Laboral[/i][/b]