
The aim of the study was to present ammonia emissions from animal production on a regional scale in 2016. Emission estimates in particular regions were based on methodology developed by EEA in 2016 and applied in Poland by The National Centre for Emissions Management (NCEM). The conducted analyses were based on the size of livestock population, farming system and emission factors at every stage of manure management. The analysis showed substantial spatial differentiation of ammonia emissions from animal production. Voivodships that accounted for the biggest share in emissions from cattle farming were as follows: Mazowieckie, Podlaskie and Wielkopolskie. Estimated emissions in these voivodships amounted to: 47.4, 32.8 and 21.7 Gg NH3, respectively. The highest levels of ammonia emissions from pig production were identified in the region of Wielkopolska. Ammonia emissions in this voivodship amounted to 16.2 Gg NH3. The Wielkopolska region is also distinguished by the highest ammonia emissions from poultry production. The emissions equaled 11.4 Gg NH3 and accounted for 24.1% of total emissions in this region. The realization of reduction commitments for ammonia imposed by the NEC Directive depends on the introduction of a set of changes in livestock production: regarding the housing method, animal nutrition, fertilizer storage and application as well as dissemination of good agricultural practices aiming at ammonia emission reduction.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Zuzanna Jarosz, Antoni Faber


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  • EP ID EP599451
  • DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0013.2071
  • Views 122
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How To Cite

Zuzanna Jarosz, Antoni Faber (2019). AMMONIA EMISSION FROM ANIMAL PRODUCTION IN POLAND ON A REGIONAL SCALE. Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, 0(2), 117-124.