An Alternative for the International Order: The Chinese Perspective. Book Review: Lin Jingzhi, Pu Pin, Wybór Chin. Pokojowy rozwój i budowa harmonijnego świata. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek 2013 (pp. 186). ISBN 978–83–7780–620–3. Price: PLN 33.81.
Journal Title: Polish Political Science Yearbook - Year 2016, Vol 45, Issue
Book Review
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Łagiewska
The Polish Perspective on Japanese Politics and Society. Book Review: Joanna Marszałek–Kawa (ed.), Japonia widziana z polskiej perspektywy. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek 2016 (pp. 197). ISBN 978–83–8019–364–2. Price: 27.00 PLN.
Book Review
Ping–Pong Diplomacy and its Legacy in the American Foreign Policy
The aim of the paper is to investigate ping–pong diplomacy between the Unites States and China, which was used by both countries as a diplomatic tool, aimed at achieving political rapprochement despite ideological disson...
The 2015 Elections to the Senate of the Republic of Poland
The discussion about justification for the very existence of Senate, as it was the case in previous years, also took place prior to the 2015 parliamentary elections. Postulates for the second chamber of parliament to be...
Significance of the Social Vision of Great People in Times of Political Transition
The author offers a new approach to a phenomenon of social legends of great individuals from a philosophical point of view. He starts with a presentation of his interpretation of the concept of the Platonic tradition of...
Experience of European Integration in the Former Soviet Union: Political and Legal Aspects
The article is devoted to the political and legal analysis of integration processes in the post-Soviet states – Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. It reviews the activities of the Customs Union and its economic and politica...