An Analysis of the Issues That ‘Abdullah b. Mas‘ûd is Claimed to Have Forgotten
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 17, Issue 1
In our paper, we will examine a contested allegation against ʿAbdallah ibn Masʿûd (32/652) who has been crucial in the formation of Hanafi School. ʿAbdallah ibn Masʿūd is one of the companions who spent extensive time with Prophet Muhammed (pbuh). After the death of the Prophet (pbuh), he was assigned to Kufa by Caliph Omar and played a significant role in the birth of Islamic sciences. As the Hanafi School emerged in this geography, Qur'an and Sunnah understanding transmitted by ibn Masʿûd has been influential in shaping the perception of Hanafi fiqh and sunnah. The fact that scholars of Hanafi School have often referred to ibn Masʿūd in fiqh has led his opponents to develop a defense against it. In this context, one of the claims made is that Abdullah b. Mas‘ûd has forgotten some of the Prophet's (pbuh) hadiths and thus he is accused of transmitting dissenting narrations. In this article, authenticity of this allegation will be examined and analyzed on the basis of issues in which ibn Masʿūd is claimed to have forgotten.
Authors and Affiliations
Taha Çelik
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