An Assessment of the Implementation of the Result Based Management System in Umguza District: Teachers’ Attributions
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 1
The aim of the present study is to assess the way how schools are executing the Result Based Management (RBM) system in Umguza District. The population comprised all the 1100 teachers in the District and the sample consisted of 120 randomly sampled teachers. The study employed the quantitative methodology and adopted the descriptive survey design. All the data was collected through a questionnaire which largely had close-ended questions and one open-ended question. The study revealed that teachers as one of the key stakeholders in the education system were not involved during the policy formulation of RBM. The study also reveals that heads of schools lacked the experience and expertise to guide teachers on this management system. There were very inadequate resources to implement the system. The study recommends that adequate resources should be provided in order to effectively implement RBM in schools. Heads of schools should be thoroughly trained so that they may better understand the system in order for them to effectively facilitate its full implementation. Keywords: Assessment, implementation, Results Based Management, teachers, district.
Authors and Affiliations
Mr Augustine Zano Muranda, Dr Thembinkosi Tshabalala, Prof Tichaona Mapolisa, Dr Mufunani Tungu Khosa
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