An Efficient and Safe Data Sharing Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing


As the popularity of cloud computing is increasing, mobile devices at any time can store or retrieve personal information from anywhere. As a result, the issue of data protection in the mobile cloud is becoming increasingly severe and prevents more mobile cloud computing. There are important studies that have been carried out to strengthen the protection of the cloud. Most of them, however, are not applicable to mobile clouds, as mobile devices have restricted computing resources and power. In this paper, I propose a lightweight data sharing scheme LDSS for mobile cloud computing. It uses CP ABE Cipher text Policy Attribute Based Encryption , an access control technology used in basic cloud atmosphere, but changes the structure of access control tree to make it suitable for mobile cloud environments. LDSS moves a large portion of the computational rigorous access control tree transformation in CP ABE Cipher text Policy Attribute Based Encryption from mobile devices to external proxy servers. Also, to reduce the user revocation cost, it introduces attribute description fields to implement lazy revocation, which is a pointed issue in program based CP ABE Cipher text Policy Attribute Based Encryption systems. The trial results show that LDSS can effectively lower the overhead on the mobile device side when users are sharing information in mobile cloud environments. Abhishek. D | Dr. Lakshmi J. V. N "An Efficient and Safe Data Sharing Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , December 2020, URL: Paper URL :

Authors and Affiliations

Abhishek. D | Dr. Lakshmi J. V. N


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Abhishek. D (2020). An Efficient and Safe Data Sharing Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 5(1), -.