An Efficient Fast Hadamard Transform Oriented Digital Image-In-Image Watermarking


The World Wide Web is, in many respects, a world without barriers. Its openness is highly appealing, if not downright noble. Unfortunately people can take advantage of this electronic latitude to unlawfully take what is not theirs. Efforts aimed at protecting intellectual property are limited to crop up gateways that show lengthy legal documents establish ownership; it does not provide enforcement of tracking stolen intellectual property in the digital world. Digital watermarking is one of the proposed solutions for protection of intellectual property. Digital watermarks are designed to be persistence in viewing, printing or subsequent retransmission. Thus, Digital watermarking does not prevent copying but it deters illegal copying by providing a means for establishing the original ownership of a redistributed copy. A Digital watermark is a digital signal inserted into a digital image. Since this signal is present in each unaltered copy of the original image, the digital watermark may also serve as digital signature for the copies. This subject has been quite exhaustively researched and several techniques have been established for protecting copyright for still images, audio and video files. In this paper, we propose an efficient Fast Hadamard Transform oriented Digital Image-In-Image Watermarking for the copyright protection. This algorithm can embed or hide an entire image or pattern as a watermark into the original image. The performance of the proposed technique is better compared to other techniques like Discrete Cosine Transforms, Discrete Wavelet Transforms. It can extract better-quality watermarks and it takes little time to embed and extract the watermark.

Authors and Affiliations

Bendalam Vijay, Jallu Swathi


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Bendalam Vijay, Jallu Swathi (2015). An Efficient Fast Hadamard Transform Oriented Digital Image-In-Image Watermarking. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 3(5), -.