An Efficient Pseudonymous Authentication Scheme with Strong Privacy Preservation for Vehicular Communications
Journal Title: International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 2
Now a days people facing many problems because of traffic. To avoid this problem VANET is used here.In this group signature is used in VANETs to realized unauthorized authentication. In the existing system, group signatures is used and its suffers from long delay in the certificate revocation list (CRL) checking and process of signature verification, high message loss. In VANET in which roadside units (RSUs) are responsible for distributing group private keys and to managing vehicles in a localized manner. Then to avoid time consuming, hash message authentication (HMAC) is used here. The proposed work of this project is trinary partitioned black-burst-based broadcast protocol(3P3B) consists of two primary mechanisms. First, a mini distributed interframe space (DIFS) in a medium access control (MAC) sublayer is used to give higher access priority to the time critical emergency message as a higher priority and to communication channel compared with other messages. Second, a trinary is designed to iteratively partition the communication range into small sectors. In 3P3B outperforms benchmarks of the existing broadcast protocols in VANETs in terms of the packet delivery ratio, average message speed, message progress and communication delay.
Authors and Affiliations
Mr. K. Kamal Kishore
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