An Empirical Study on Impact of Economic, Legal and Ethical Aspects on Corporate Philanthropy
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 1
Abstract: Corporate social responsibility remains a topic of interest to researchers and academicians. However, the correlation between its four basic dimensions needs to be supported by more empirical evidence. This paper provides an empirical investigation into the correlations between the corporate economic, legal and ethical responsibilities on the one hand and corporate philanthropy on the other. The size of a corporate in the research model is a moderating variable. A survey was conducted using the questionnaire method to collect data from the executives of 52 companies selected by convenience sampling around Riyadh City in Saudi Arabia. The results of a regression analysis of the data revealed a significant influence of economic, legal and ethical responsibilities on corporate philanthropy. These results have important implications for corporate executives and policy makers to realize the voluntary components of ethical and philanthropic responsibilities after complying with mandatory economic and legal requirements. The study also aims at unraveling the strength of association between the three different types of responsibilities with philanthropy. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Economic responsibility, Ethical responsibility, Legal responsibility, Mandatory responsibilities, Philanthropic responsibility, Voluntary responsibilities JEL CLASSIFICATION: D64.
Authors and Affiliations
NawalAbdalla Adam Agiaban, Kameswari Peddada
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