An Empirical Study on the Various Risks in Foreign Exchange Market and its Impact in Global Business Transactions
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2019, Vol 3, Issue 5
Today's business world is growing rapidly at a faster pace. After the emergence of globalization the business market is become global and the business transactions have become more complicated. Numerous traders, different countries, varied currencies, unique products, innovations etc. have become a vital source for the emergence of foreign exchange market to be more popular in the recent trends. The ICT Information, Communication and Technology Revolution has motivated a wide number of traders across the globe to do business globally. There is no business without risks. In finance we term risk with investment as higher the risk, higher the return'. And hence it has become necessary to deeply analyze any new business proposals before investing in it. Since 2014 with the exception of 2017, Indias economy has been the worlds fastest growing major economy, surpassing China. Hence many countries across the globe are being attracted by India and FDI's have increased in the recent years. Many new business ventures have increased and hence the role of risk in business is become very crucial and important element for every international trader involved in business transactions across various countries. Here the author in this paper has tried to bring the outcome of various risks associated in international business transactions and how it affects the foreign and domestic companies in business. Indian currency value fluctuates everyday with the change in the macro economic factors. All business dealings in India are focused in order to appreciate the value of INR in comparison to other currencies. Central bank of every country monitors this function in every country. G. Jayashree | Dr. I. Carmel Mercy Priya "An Empirical Study on the Various Risks in Foreign Exchange Market and its Impact in Global Business Transactions" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019, URL: URL:
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