An Introduction to the Book Titled “Formal and Practical Aspects of Autonomic Computing and Networking: Specification, Development and Verification”
Journal Title: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Context-aware Systems and Applications - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue 2
Dr. Phan Cong Vinh, Nguyen Tat Thanh University in Vietnam, introduces the book titled “Formal and Practical Aspects of Autonomic Computing and Networking: Specification, Development and Verification” edited by himself and published by IGI Global in 2011 to scientists, researchers, professionals and students in the field of computing. Hopefully, they will find this book provoking for their research related to autonomics and being useful to their future work. Introduction A new computing and networking paradigm is currently on the spot as one of the priority research areas and its research activities are booming recently: autonomic computing and networking (ACN), which are inspired by the human autonomic nervous system. ACN are characterized by their self-* facets such as selforganization, self- configuration, self-healing, selfoptimization, self-protection and so on whose contextawareness used to dynamically control computing and networking functions. The overarching goal of ACN is to realize computing and networking systems, that can manage themselves without direct human interventions. Meeting this grand challenge of ACN requires a rigorous approach to ACN and the notion of self-*. To this end, taking advantage of formal methods we establish, in this book, formal and practical aspects of ACN through specifying, refining, programming and verifying ACN and their self-*. All of these are to achieve foundations and practice of ACN. From the above characteristics, novel approaches of specification, refinement, programming and verification are arising in formal methods for ACN. Therefore, new methodologies, programming models, tools and techniques are imperative to deal with the impact of ACN and their self-* mentioned above on emerging computing and networking systems. This book [1] is preferred to be a reference material for readers who already have a basic understanding of ACN and are now ready to know how to specify, develop and verify ACN using rigorous approaches. Hence, the book includes both theoretical contributions and reports on applications. For keeping a reasonable trade-off between theoretical and practical issues, a careful selection of the chapters was completed, on the one hand, to cover a broad spectrum of formal and practical aspects and, on the other hand, to achieve as much as possible a selfcontained book.
Authors and Affiliations
Phan Cong Vinh
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