An Issue of Seeing Good in Frame of Verse al-An’âm 6/103
Journal Title: Trabzon İlahiyat Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 2
Islamic scholars firstly applied to the Qur'an for solution of the issues they have encountered throughout the history of Islam. However, some of these issues have unsolved and become a moot point until today. One of the issues that Islamic scholars could not find a solution to, or rather, not reach a final result and that they have been discussing for a long time is Sight of Good. Some argue that the sight of God will be possible in the event that God is an object, and they advocate that it is impossible and claim that God will never be seen both in the world and in the Hereafter. Some argue that it is possible that God, without being an object, can be seen in a way that human cannot know nature of God. Both groups use the same verses as evidence in this issue, but the conclusions they have reached are exactly the opposite. We also believe that this work will contribute to the solution of the matter in question, by transferring their making associate al-An‘âm 6/103, from the verses which some of the commentators have shown evidence on the issue of Sight of Good and we will try to evaluate the results they have achieved in this regard. In order to look from commentary perspective, we will examine and evaluate only the views of the certain commentators.
Authors and Affiliations
Yusuf Karatay
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