Аналіз електронної комерції як драйвера глобалізації: можливості для бізнесу та ризики
Journal Title: Challenges and Issues of Modern Science - Year 2024, Vol 3, Issue 1
Purpose. This paper analyzes the role of e-commerce as a driver of globalization, focusing on its opportunities and risks. By examining the evolution of e-commerce and its impact on global trade, the study explores how businesses can use e-commerce to expand into international markets while managing risks. Design / Method / Approach. This qualitative research reviews academic literature, reports, and case studies on e-commerce and globalization. It analyzes platforms like Amazon and Alibaba, along with technological advancements such as digital payments and mobile commerce. The study highlights SMEs that have entered global markets through e-commerce. Findings. E-commerce lowers barriers to market entry, allowing businesses to compete globally by enhancing logistics, payment solutions, and customer engagement tools. Theoretical Implications. This research contributes to the theoretical understanding of globalization by showing how digital platforms enable cross-border trade. It also adds to the literature on e-commerce by highlighting its role as a facilitator of economic integration. Practical Implications. For businesses looking to expand internationally, this paper offers practical insights into leveraging e-commerce for growth. It emphasizes the importance of adopting robust cybersecurity measures, understanding local regulations, and conducting market research to tailor products and services to diverse cultural contexts. Originality / Value. The originality of this paper lies in its comprehensive examination of both the opportunities and risks associated with e-commerce in the context of globalization. By focusing on real-world examples and providing actionable recommendations for mitigating risks, it offers value to both academics and practitioners in the fields of international business and digital commerce. Research Limitations / Future Research. The research is limited by its focus on qualitative data and specific case studies. Future research could expand to include quantitative analyses of the financial performance of businesses that have successfully globalized through e-commerce. Paper Type. Review paper.
Authors and Affiliations
Валерія Воробйова, Олександр Крупський
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