Аналіз санкцій статей 205-1, 206, 206-2 КК України


Статтю присвячено аналізу санкцій статей 205-1, 206, 206-2 КК України з точки зору їх відповідності основним принципам (правилам) побудови санкцій статей (частин статей) Особливої частини КК України. На підставі аналізу запропоновано заходи з удосконалення кримінального законодавства. The article aims to analyse the sanctions of the Articles 205-1, 206, 206-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in the context of their correspondence to the basic principles (rules) of the composition of the sanctions of the articles (or articles’ parts) of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Based on the analysis the author concludes that the majority of the sanctions of the Articles 205-1, 206, 206-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine correspond to the basic principles (rules) of the composition of articles or articles’ parts of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The legislator mostly uses those types of punishment (fine and imprisonment) that can facilitate the achievement of the purpose of punishment, may be imposed to rather wide range of subjects and can be substituted by other types of punishment in the case of impossibility or inexpediency of punishment application. At the same time, the use of such additional punishments as deprivation of right to hold specific posts or engage in specified activities and confiscation of property in the sanctions of Articles 205-1 and 206-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine contradict the basic principles of criminal law, therefore it is proposed to exclude the reference to them in the text of the articles mentioned above. It is required to correct the disparity between the maximum limit of sanction of the Paragraph 1 and the minimum limit of sanction of the Paragraph 2 of the Article 205-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The author considers the most feasible to mitigate the minimum limit of punishment in the sanction of the Paragraph 2 of the Article 205-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine to imprisonment for two years. This approach will give possibility to bridge that disparity without changing the typical level of public danger of that act. It is necessary to find the punishment in the form of a fine as an alternative to the imprisonment in the sanctions of the Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Article 206-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. If it is a non-violent crime and only property rights of an injured person are infringed, the court should have the possibility to inflict fine as an adequate and just punishment for this offence. This will allow not only to create conditions for the individualization of punishment, but also to harmonize the sanctions of the Articles 206 and 206-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine which stipulate the responsibility for offences similar in nature and degree of public danger.

Authors and Affiliations

С. С. Титаренко


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С. С. Титаренко (2017). Аналіз санкцій статей 205-1, 206, 206-2 КК України. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 80(4), 119-127. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-416952