Analiza ekspresji HIF-la i COX-2 w utkaniu guza oraz korelacja ze stopniem inwazyjności zmian nowotworowych u chorych z rakiem krtani — badania wstępne
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 5
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Wośl, Magdalena Bryś, Iwona Lewy-Trenda, Olga Stasikowska, Paweł Papież, Wielisław Papierz, Katarzyna Starska
Ocena skuteczności radioterapii niezaawansowanego raka krtani u chorych powyżej 70 roku życia
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The rare case of the multiple primary planoepithelial laryngeal cancer and clarocellular renal cancer
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Mięsak włóknisto-histiocytarny krtani
Introduction. Malignant fibrohistiocytoma is one of the rare neoplasms of the larynx. It has nonepithelial origin. The most common sites of the neoplasm are: limbs, trunk and retroperitoneal space. Other localizations wi...
Activity of vestibular organs in menopausal women non-users Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
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Unilateral pathological lesions of paranasal sinuses removed by endoscopic surgery
Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence and nature of unilateral pathological lesions of paranasal sinuses in patients who had endoscopic sinus surgery performed in ENT. Materials and methods: In...