Analiza ekspresji JAKI, STAT3, STAT1 i SOCS1 w jednojądrzastych komórkach krwi obwodowej u chorych z rakiem krtani

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 3


SUMMARY Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the expression of SOCS1-STAT mo-lecules pathway in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and to evaluate their correlations with invasiveness of the tumor and the secretion of inflammatory and regulatory cytokines in laryngeal cancer. Material and Methods: In this study analysis of TLR2, JAKI, STAT3, STAT1 and SOCS1 mRNA expression in isolated PBMCs by real-time PCR (RT-PCR) was performed. Concentration of IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-a in supernatants of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 55 patients with carcinoma of the larynx was carried out by ELISA. were investigated. Results: In the group of tumors with high locally advanced status pT3 and pT4 the presence of significant correlations of STAT3 and SOCS1 mRNA ex-pression was demonstrated. Moreover, laryngeal cancers with lower levels of JAKI and STAT1 mRNA in PBMC showed a higher degree of invasiveness according to the TFG classification, as compared to tumors with higher expression of studied proteins. Conclusions: Analysis of JAKI and STAT1 mRNA expression may be an important parameter of the morphological assessment of tumor aggressi-veness in locally advanced squamous celt carcinomas of the larynx.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Starska, Magdalena Bryś, Ewa Format, Iwona Lewy-Trenda, Olga Stasikowska, Wanda Krajewska


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How To Cite

Katarzyna Starska, Magdalena Bryś, Ewa Format, Iwona Lewy-Trenda, Olga Stasikowska, Wanda Krajewska (2011). Analiza ekspresji JAKI, STAT3, STAT1 i SOCS1 w jednojądrzastych komórkach krwi obwodowej u chorych z rakiem krtani. Otolaryngologia Polska, 65(3), 188-193.