Analiza rynku elektrycznych pojazdów miejskich
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2017, Vol 214, Issue 12
Vehicle manufacturers have been looking for a replacement to internal combustion engines for years. One solution is to use a fully electric propulsion system. It is associated with many advantages such as limited emissivity of harmful exhaust components and noise, but also involves limited vehicle range and greater weight. Despite significant drawbacks, the number of electric vehicles and their market share is steadily increasing, due to numerous subsidies and financial incentives present in many European countries. This article provides an overview of the urban vehicle market and its analysis in terms of the performance parameters of the offered vehicle solutions. An analysis of the financial incentives offered by various legal entities involved in the purchase of electric vehicles to promote them has also been performed.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Fuć, Piotr Lijewski, Maciej Siedlecki, Dawid Gallas, Natalia Szymlet, Barbara Sokolnicka
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