Analogy and its role in students’ thinking formation
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 5
To match modern production, the engineer must be able to analyze the real situation and transfer existing knowledge to a new situation, choosing the optimal solution for the task assigned to him. The article deals with the problem of forming the ability to implement inferences by analogy as one of the components of logical culture. Analogy is considered as a form of human thinking, which is an important means of allowing the transfer of existing knowledge to a new situation. Typical characteristics of levels of knowledge transfer and conclusions development by analogy are distinguished. Possible ways of using the analogy method for studying the theme “Permanent electric current” and “Magnetic field” are shown. A comparative table is presented that reveals an analogy between the electric and magnetic fields.
Authors and Affiliations
Elena Yakovleva
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