Analysis of Climatic Factors Effects on the Pollution Level of the City of Poltava
Journal Title: Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна серія "Екологія" - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 16
Purpose. To assess the meteorological potential of Poltava city and its ability to disperse impurities. Methods. Guantitative and qualitative analysis and synthesis, the methodology of correlation and classification analysis. Results. Defined influence of the main climatic factors on the dispersion conditions of the most common impurities (dust, sulfur oxides and carbon, nitrogen compounds, formaldehyde, ammonia), defined the value of the improved meteorological potential of the atmosphere (IMPA) of Poltava city, which assessed the correlation between the level of atmospheric pollution and climate change in the city. Conclusions. Defined the IMPA indicator is recommended to use for analyzing the dispersion conditions of impurities in the Poltava city atmosphere and predicting the level of its contamination, found a close correlation between the temperature factor and the concentrations of the investigated substances in the city atmosphere, which is expressed in the correlation between climate warming and increased atmospheric pollution.
Authors and Affiliations
O. E. Illiash, Yu. V. Komleva
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