Analysis of cytological stability of interspecific hybrids F1-F2 Triticum spelta × Triticum aestivum


Aim. Cytological analysis of the stability of interspecific hybrids of wheat Triticum spelta L. x Triticum aestivum L. Methods. By the  method of temporal squashed preparations has been analyzed ploidy level, the frequency of structural chromosome aberrations and abnormalities  mitosis in root meristem cells of seedlings. Results. It was revealed that the F1 hybrids have significantly greater number of cells with impaired mitosis compared to the initial parental components. The vast majority of violations of the hybrids was represented by chromosomal aberrations. It is shown that the second-generation simple and bekrossing  hybrids   are characterized by  a certain stabilization of hybrid genomes, which manifests significant reduction in the number of abnormal mitosis. Conclusions. In interspecific hybridization spelled and soft wheat were found that when the maternal  component served as spelled and his father - soft wheat total the overall frequency of mitotic abnormalities was less than in the reciprocal crosses, which may be indicative of maternal cytoplasm effect. Keywords: Triticum spelta L., T. aestivum L., hybrids, cytological analysis

Authors and Affiliations

I. I. Lyalko, O. V. Dubrovna, S. M. Sichkar


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  • EP ID EP613738
  • DOI 10.7124/visnyk.utgis.14.2.687
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How To Cite

I. I. Lyalko, O. V. Dubrovna, S. M. Sichkar (2016). Analysis of cytological stability of interspecific hybrids F1-F2 Triticum spelta × Triticum aestivum. Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів, 14(2), 192-198.