Analysis of Efficiency of the Export-Import Activity of Enterprise for its Strategic Controlling
Journal Title: Бізнес Інформ - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 0
Expediency of considering as the first stage of strategic controlling the export-import activity of enterprise an analysis of the current state of its efficiency by means of indicators, which should be structured in the following groups: external economic efficiency, scientific-technological efficiency, economic efficiency, structural efficiency, opportunities for development of the export-import activities, has been substantiated. The recommended stages for conducting such economic analysis are: 1) clarification of contents of efficiency of the export-import activity of the enterprise; 2) identification of the main components of efficiency of the export-import activity of the enterprise; 3) creation of a system of partial indicators of efficiency of the export-import activity of the enterprise; 4) identifying internal latent factors of efficiency of the export-import activity; 5) determining the relationships between components of efficiency of the export-import activity of the enterprise; 6) ranking the most influencing (significant) indicators of efficiency of the export-import activity; 7) disclosure of trends of changing the indicators, which are the most influencing the efficiency of export-import activity. Implementation of these steps is carried out by using multivariate statistical methods: factorial analysis and canonical analysis. The presented sequence of stages of analysis of efficiency of the export-import activity provides an objective assessment of the current state of enterprise's activity, identifying the negative trends, emerging at the enterprise, and helps the opportunely elaborating the measures to prevent their development.
Authors and Affiliations
Ludmila Malyarets, Ganna Morgun
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