Analysis of Factors Affecting Breastmilk Production on Breastfeeding Working Mothers

Journal Title: Journal of Ners and Midwifery (Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan) - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 2


Breastfeeding working mothers are at risk of impaired breast milk production. Exclusive breastfeeding of breastfeeding working mothers lower than mothers do not work is due to breast milk production tends to decline after the mother began to work actively. The purpose of this study was to explain the factors that affect the breast milk production in breastfeeding working mothers. This study used cross sectional design. 25 breastfeeding working mothers were taken by consecutive sampling. Breastmilk production was measured for 7 days using a measuring cup. Breast milking used the breast pump on both breasts before the mother breastfeed her baby or 2-3 hours after breastfeeding. The analysis used spearman rank test and multiple linear regression with á = 0,05. There was no relation- ship maternal age factor, infant age, occupation, education and support of husband or family with milk production (p = 0,513; p = 0,105; p = 0,884; p = 0,176; p = 0,164). There was a strongly significant and opposite relationship between duration of labor and milk production (p = 0.001 rs = -0.643), there was a strongly significant and unidirectional relationship between infant formula addition and milking frequency (p = 0,000 rs = 0.732; p = 0,000 rs = 0.732 ) and between the breastfeeding frequency with milk production there was a significant relationship of moderate and unidirectional (p = 0.044 rs = 0.406). The results of the linear regression test showed all factors related to milk production when tested together (p = 0.000). Nurses or other health workers may expected to consider factors that affect breast milk production so that it can determine appropriate interventions in lactation management in breastfeeding working mothers.

Authors and Affiliations

Anita Rahmawati, Bisepta Prayogi


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Anita Rahmawati, Bisepta Prayogi (2017). Analysis of Factors Affecting Breastmilk Production on Breastfeeding Working Mothers. Journal of Ners and Midwifery (Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan), 4(2), 134-140.