Analysis of financial and leasing activity of companies in Ukraine
Journal Title: Економічний вісник університету - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 30
The subject of research is the financial relations arising in the process of financial transactions which carried out by financial and leasing companies. The purpose of research is to assess the current state of financial and leasing activity of companies in Ukraine, their development trends, causes and consequences of macroeconomic imbalances. Methodology work is the general scientific methods of cognition, conceptual principles of modern economic theories. The results of the work. The financial and leasing activity of companies in Ukraine, as a financial market participant, is studied, prospects and trends for future development are determined. Conclusions. Today, there is recovery of the national market and financial leasing companies, but such a development is not dynamic, due to the low level of protection of consumers of financial services, the close interconnectedness of the banking and insurance industries, imperfect and inadequate government regulation, low solvency of the population. Given the analysis and revealed tendencies show that provided economic stabilize further development of the leasing services market in Ukraine is quite possible.
Authors and Affiliations
Ludmila Levaieva, Svitlana Kucherenko, Mykola Kucherenko
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