Analysis of Helical Shape Tube Type Heat Exchanger using CFD


Heat Exchangers are generally used for transferring of heat from one part fluid to another. There are various types of heat exchangers. Among all, tube type heat exchangers with helical profile show better result. The flow in heat exchangers can be Parallel flow or counter flow. In the present work, CFD analysis of a helical shaped heat exchanger for parallel as well as counter flow conditions has been done. In this work, CFD analysis for the performance analysis of counter flow type flow condition has been carried out. The various parameters such as temperature plots, velocity vectors, Nusselt number, heat transfer rate from the wall of the tube has been calculated using ANSYS 13.0. It has been found out that the results are approximately similar for counter flow and parallel flow conditions for the considered helically shaped tube type heat exchanger. Anirban Jana | N. V. Saxena "Analysis of Helical Shape Tube Type Heat Exchanger using CFD" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-5 , August 2020, URL: Paper Url :

Authors and Affiliations

Anirban Jana | N. V. Saxena


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Anirban Jana (2020). Analysis of Helical Shape Tube Type Heat Exchanger using CFD. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 4(5), -.