Analysis of Individual Sports Athletes’ Self Effectiveness and Levels of Competence between 13- 18 Years According to Some Variables
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 10
Abstract:This study aims to analyze individual sports athletes’ self-effectiveness and levels of competence according to some variables such as age, educational status, sports age and branch. The study is conducted in Ankara and İzmir provinces. 80 box, 75 wrestling, 45 weight lifting athletes participated in the study, 200 athletes in total. As data collection tools, “Personal Information Form” and “Self-Efficacy Scale” adapted into Turkish by Gözüm and Aksayan in 1999, which had been developed by Sherer and his friends in 1982. Data set has been analyzed with SPSS 20.0 packaged program and in the statistical analysis; t test for paired comparison, and for multiple comparisons Anova (One-way Variance Analysis) have been used.According to branches, it is determined that box, wrestling and weight lifters’ “Start of Act, Maintaining the Act and Completing the Act” subgroup score averages are extremely close and the difference between them is insignificant (p>0,05); but it is stated that there is a significant difference in terms of “Struggling with Obstacles”. When it is analyzed according to the educational status, it is seen that primary education and secondary school graduated athletes’ self-effectiveness and competence levels’ score averages’ difference is insignificant (p<0,05). Only in subgroup of the scale was found to have a significant difference between the two age groups in the subscale of Act Completion (p<0,05). It is determined that there is a significant difference in completing the act in countenance of primary education learners. When the results about athletes’ sports age and total scores analyzed, it is determined that there is not a significant difference (p>0,05). According to age, self-effectiveness and competence levels’ score averages of athletes between 13-15 years old has no significant difference between those who are older than 15 years old (p>0,05). It is stated that there is a significant difference between two age groups in the subgroups of the scale. These subgroups are Completing the Act (p<0,05) and Struggle with Obstacles (p<0,05). These differences are seen to be in countenance of 13-15 years old group. It is seen that age is not effective in athletes’ self-effectiveness and competence. In other words, it can be said that sports age’s being more or less is not important. Apart from that, it has been found that there is significant difference in sub-dimensions of Struggle with Obstacles according to branch; completing the Act according to educational status; both Completing the Act and Struggle with Obstacles according to age. It is determined that primary education learners and 13-15 years old individuals are more effective in struggling with obstacles and completing the act. Keywords:Athlete, Self-Effectiveness-Competence, Individual Sports, Act.
Authors and Affiliations
Meliha UZUN, İbrahim DALBUDAK, AlperCenk GÜRKAN, Şıh Mehmet YİĞİT, Mihriay MUSA
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