Analysis of Influence of the Spray Angle on Sprinkling Intensity Distribution in the Spray Stream Produced by the Selected Turbo Type Fire-Hose Nozzle
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe SGSP - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
In the following article there has been assessed the influence of the spray angle on sprinkling intensity distribution in the spray water stream generated by the selected fire-hose nozzle PWT 52/1-2-3-4 type TURBOMASTER produced by AWG company. The research was performed in the open air in August and September 2017. The field of measurements was located in front of the gate of The Firefighting and rescue equipment laboratory. A slightly modified test stand, which is normally used for researching fire-hose nozzles, was used to carry out the experiments. The measurements of the sprinkling intensity were performed on the basis of the authorial improved test methodology patterned upon the guidelines included in the old Polish PN-89/M-51028 standard. The parameter of sprinkling intensity has been assessed in weight and volumetric way using the measuring containers. The digital angle measuring device was used to measure the spray angle. The following article presents only the results of research, which was carried out for two water flow rates 200 dm3/min and 400 dm3/min and three spray angles: 30°, 60° and 90°, but all experiments were performed for two different water flow rates (200 dm3/min and 400 dm3/min) and six spray angles (15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° and 90°). Based on the results of the conducted research it has been clearly demonstrated that the spray angle is a very important parameter which has an influence on sprinkling intensity distribution in the spray water streams produced by the selected fire-hose nozzles. It was observed that along with the changes of the spray angle the values of many parameters, which describe sprinkling intensity distribution, have been changed. The following parameters have been adopted for this research: the value of the sprinkling area and its dimensions (shape), the maximum throw (range) of the produced spray streams and the maximum value of the sprinkling intensity. In the last part of this article a summary and some conclusions have been made, of both, academic significance and practical character. In addition, the necessity and validity of the subsequent research has been indicated, in particular, using modern fire-hose nozzles.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Piątek, Jerzy Gałaj, Wiktor Wąsik
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