Analysis of providing population in Kharkiv region by retail trade and restaurant business facilities with use of correlation and regression analysis


The article is devoted to the issues of the provision population by retail trade, restaurant business facilities in Kharkiv region. The study was based on the method of correlation-regression analysis. Correlation analysis examines the interdependence of characteristics and evaluates the strength of the connection. The range of values that can be taken by the correlation coefficient was shown, as well as the levels of connection degrees between the parameters by the correlation coefficient were provided. Regression analysis characterizes the influence of factors on the resultant sign and describes the form of connection. The parameters of the regression equation were described: determination coefficient, Fischer’s criterion, Student's criterion, level of significance. The research was carried out in the program Statitica 8.0. A number of population was adopted as an independent variable, the dependent variables were a number of retail trade and restaurant business facilities. The method of correlation analysis determines the relationship between a number of trade, restaurant business facilities and the population of the settlements of the region. There was very strong connection between these indicators in the context of all settlements and urban settlements, and in the context of the countryside the connection is strong and relative. Such differences are characterized by different demand among the population for facilities. Two regression equations for retail trade and restaurant busi-ness facilities have been formed. The determination coefficient showed the completeness of the model, Fisher's criterion – adequacy of the equation, the Student's criterion – statistical significance of the regression parameters. The theoretical values of a number of facilities were determined, they were compared with the actual ones. It was established that in most settlements of Kharkiv region hypothetical excess of trade facilities is typical, and a number of restaurants is not hypothetically sufficient, but this difference is smaller quantitatively in comparison with trade facilities.

Authors and Affiliations

Павло Кобилін


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How To Cite

Павло Кобилін (2017). Analysis of providing population in Kharkiv region by retail trade and restaurant business facilities with use of correlation and regression analysis. Часопис соціально-економічної географії, 23(2), 118-123.