Analysis of the Application of Modern Means of Detection and Measurement of Carbon Monoxide When Using Alternative Sources of Electricity Supply During the War in Ukraine


The article examines the impact of carbon monoxide on the human body, as well as the necessity of its detection and measurement. Carbon monoxide poisoning is very dangerous for human health and is accompanied by negative consequences and requires the implementation of new means of its timely detection and measurement. The article identifies the main sources of carbon monoxide, as well as assesses its impact on public health. The choice of modern means of detecting and measuring carbon monoxide is an important and necessary component of protecting people in modern realities. The work examines and analyzes the technical capabilities of modern cpaabilities of determining the level of carbon monoxide, defines the main models of carbon monoxide detectors, and also classifies and systematizes the peculiarities of their operation. The most convenient and practical portable carbon monoxide sensor. It does not require stationary installation. This is especially important in closed rooms, where carbon monoxide poisoning can occur instantly. The article analyzes literary sources in the field of the main types of alternative energy sources used in Ukraine during emergency and planned blackouts, as well as the dangers associated with them. The influence of dangerous and harmful factors affecting the human body during the use of these devices is considered: power banks, generators, batteries and inverters. The analysis of scientific research on ensuring safety when using alternative energy sources in domestic premises, private and multi-story buildings, factories, underground passages and storages was performed. The features of each type of modern signaling devices are analyzed. Recommendations are provided for the selection of modern means of detecting and measuring carbon monoxide.

Authors and Affiliations

Inna Khondak, Nataliia Berezutska, Tetiana Stytsenko


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How To Cite

Inna Khondak, Nataliia Berezutska, Tetiana Stytsenko (2023). Analysis of the Application of Modern Means of Detection and Measurement of Carbon Monoxide When Using Alternative Sources of Electricity Supply During the War in Ukraine. Вісник Національного технічного університету «ХПІ». Серія: Енергетика: надійність та енергоефективність, 6(1), -.