Analysis of the impact of medical reabilitation on pregnancy outcomes in women with dorsopathies


The present study the influence of manual therapy techniques in pregnant women with spinal diseases, also known as dorsopathy, on the outcome of the pregnancy and on the intrauterine state of the fetus. In the period from October 2015 to March 2018, an examination group (of 135 people) and a control group (n=135) of pregnant women diagnosed with «dorsopathy» were recruited. The average age of the examined women was Me=31 (LQ=28; UQ=34) years (p>0.05). The average gestation period was Me=26 (LQ=21; UQ=31). The number of first-pregnant women was 117 (43.3%) (p>0.05), 153 were re-pregnant(56.7%) (p=0.001); the number of primiparous women is 152 (56.3%) (p>0.05) and 118 were multiparous women (43.7%) (p>0.05). The majority of the surveyed pregnant women are re-pregnant, but primiparous women. The number of manual therapy (here in after MT) sessionsunderwent by each pregnant woman from the first group of the study ranged from 1 to 4. A large percentage of patients (44%) (n=60) attended two sessions of MT during pregnancy. During the study, the following methods have been used: cranio sacral method, traction method, myofascial release, postisometric relaxation, soft tissue techniques. A comparison of groups of delivery methods and of the influence of manual techniques on the intrauterine state of the fetus. As the distribution does not comply with the normal (Gaussian) variant, nonparametric statistical methods have been used to process the data. The results obtained in the course of the current study allow to speak about an effective application of manual therapy in pregnant women in the second and third pregnancy trimesters in order to improve the outcomes of pregnancies and childbirth, as well as about a positive impact on the intrauterine state of the fetus.

Authors and Affiliations

Я. А. Ваганова, С. Н. Гайдуков, Г. А. Суслова


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How To Cite

Я. А. Ваганова, С. Н. Гайдуков, Г. А. Суслова (2019). Analysis of the impact of medical reabilitation on pregnancy outcomes in women with dorsopathies. Российские биомедицинские исследования, 4(1), 3-8.