Analysis of the impact of various social and demographic factors on the incidence and level of severity of anxiety in a group of school students

Journal Title: Current Problems of Psychiatry - Year 2014, Vol 15, Issue 2


Introduction. Anxiety is a ubiquitous phenomenon in today's world, particularly affects young people who are faced with the enormity of the challenges related to education, personal development, creating relationships, building a position in the peer group. Previous studies have shown that anxiety is a complex phenomenon, multidimensional and many factors can determine its occurrence and severity. Interesting seems to be the role of social and demographic conditions, to some extent, the prevalence of modifiable as predictors of anxiety. The aim of the study was an assessment of the impact of different social conditions, gender and age on the incidence and severity of anxiety in a group of school students. Material and methods. The study comprised a group of 202 schoolchildren aged 13 to 21 years. Proven tool for this study is a psychometric test State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) designed by Charles Spielberger. Results and conclusions. People of the study group who live outside the family home turned out to be more prone to anxiety. With regard to the study group the risk factors of increased level of anxiety were found to be: a lower level of student's parents formal education, parent’s residence in the less than 50 thousand residents town, the worse material conditions of the family and the student’ s necessity to take a paid work. Social and demographic factors therefore determine the mental processes, which may be of great importance for the further personal and social development of young people.

Authors and Affiliations

Nikodem Skoczeń, Barbara Jędrzejewska, Agata Smoleń, Marcin Olajossy


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How To Cite

Nikodem Skoczeń, Barbara Jędrzejewska, Agata Smoleń, Marcin Olajossy (2014). Analysis of the impact of various social and demographic factors on the incidence and level of severity of anxiety in a group of school students. Current Problems of Psychiatry, 15(2), 78-84.