Analysis of the Nutrient Content of Infant Complementary Food Fortificant-Moringa oleifera Leaves with the Commonly Consumed Local Infants Foods in Nigeria: Zea mays and Glycine max
Journal Title: International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 10
Aims: Analysis of the nutrient content of maize (Zea mays), soybean (Glycine max) and Moringa oleifera leaves commonly consumed by infants in Nigeria were done to determine the nutrient composition of the complementary foods and leaves. Methodology: Yellow maize (Zea mays) grain were fermented for 48h and oven–dried. Soybean (Glycine max) seeds were boiled for 1h, dehulled and oven-dried. Moringa oleifera leaves were shade-dried. All the food materials were milled into fine flours. The proximate, energy, mineral and β-carotene contents of the flours were determined using standard methods. The result was analyze using SPSS version 17 to determine the standard deviation (SD) and percentage nutrient composition in 100g sample. Results: The proximate and energy composition of food materials (Maize, soybean and Moringa oleifera leaves) used. The crude protein level was 36.46% in soybean, 27.45% and 10.22% in Moringa oleifera leaves and maize respectively. The energy level was 1,849KJ in soybean, 1,531KJ in maize and 1,134KJ in Moringa oleifera leaves. The minerals and β-carotene contents of maize, soybean and Moringa oleifera leaves (%). Calcium was 1,335mg in Moringa oleifera leaves, 14.49mg in soybean and 11.67mg in maize. Moringa oleifera leaves had 26.44mg iron, soybean had 9.65mg and maize had 5.95mg. Zinc level was 7.49mg in Moringa oleifera leaves, 3.46mg in soybean and 1.87mg in maize. β-carotene was 3,846.15RE in Moringa oleifera leaves, 538.46RE in soybean and 102.56RE in maize. Conclusion: Incorporation of pulverized Moringe oleifera leaves in infants’ food could diversity food intake, ensure food security and reduce some micronutrient deficiency diseases.
Authors and Affiliations
I. C. Nwosu Odinakachukwu, N. Nnam Ngozi, Ibeziako Ngozi, N. Maduforo Aloysius
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