Analysis of the results of a pilot study of problems existing in passenger traffic by urban passenger transport
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 5
The paper presents problems existing in passenger traffic by urban passenger transport, as well as the analysis of factors hindering the development of bus routes. There have been studied both quantitative and qualitative indicators of a deterioration in the quality of passenger service by urban buses in the city of Kutaisi. For a comprehensive study of the issue using the time–table method of field observations, an experimental study of the passenger flow was carried out. Based on the system analysis, an assessment was made of the indicators of redistribution of passenger flows by bus and minibus routes: the number of motive power on the routes, in accordance with the percentage of coincidence of the parameters of traffic regimes with the transport schemes. A list of measures has been drawn up, the integrated implementation of which will facilitate the development of a safe and convenient city–class bus route system.
Authors and Affiliations
D. Kbilashvili, J. Chogovadze, P. Gogiashvili, G. Lekveishvili
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