Analysis of the Sorption Process for Brake Fluid and Diesel after the Application of the Compact Sorbent

Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe SGSP - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue


During car accidents the leakage of petroleum substances together with the vehicle fluids appear. One of the basic duties of the Fire Department in the field of ecological protection is to support the area of car accident with the use of sorbates. Therefore, the aim of the study was to compare the sorption process for the different sorbates in contact with the compact sorbent. The analysis of sorption process in a laboratory scale was performed with the use of a dedicated installation. Contact of two sorbates with the compact sorbent was investigated. Each time 50 cm3 of the sorbent was contacted with 100 cm3 of the sorbate in the following properties: 100% of brake fluid, 100% of diesel, 75% of brake fluid and 25% of diesel, 50% of brake fluid and 50% of diesel, 25% of brake fluid and 75% of diesel. Finally, the results of the mathematical description of the sorption process with a non-linear regression were prepared. It was observed that the sorption process for pure brake fluid that contacted with the compact sorbent was stopped after the absorption of 24.80±0.27 g, while, for pure diesel it was stopped after 21.09±0.35 g. The average sorption was equal to 0.83 and 0.72 for brake fluid and diesel, respectively. Furthermore, for a mixture of brake fluid (75%) – diesel (25%) the sorption process was stopped after the absorption of 18.39±0.17 g, while for a mixture of brake fluid (25%) – diesel (75%) it was stopped after 22.06± 0.54 g. The average sorption was equal to 0.63 and 0.37 for brake fluid (75%) and diesel (25%), as well as for brake fluid (25%) and diesel (75%). Finally, for the mixture of brake fluid (50%) and diesel (50%) the sorption process was stopped after the absorption of 21.85±0.49 g, with average sorption equal to 0.72. It was observed that the sorption process was longer for brake fluid compared to diesel. The decrease of brake fluid amount led to the decrease of the sorption value. Moreover, the higher amount of brake fluid was associated with the higher value of the correlation coefficients after the application of fifth degree polynomial adjustment.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Polańczyk


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How To Cite

Andrzej Polańczyk (2019). Analysis of the Sorption Process for Brake Fluid and Diesel after the Application of the Compact Sorbent. Zeszyty Naukowe SGSP, 0(), 45-53.