Analysis of the structure of the integrated preparedness of qualified handballers using multidimensional analysis methods

Journal Title: Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 2


Purpose: to determine the factor structure of preparedness of handball players of higher rank. Material and methods: 25 qualified handball players, age 23-24, participated in the study. Methods of research: analysis of literary sources, methods of pedagogical testing, methods of physiological testing (measurement of speed of the visual-motor reaction, heart rate analysis, biochemical blood test for hemoglobin concentration, cortisol and insulin, PWC170 test, methods of mathematical statistics correlation, factor analysis) with the use of computer software "EXEL" and "SPSS-11". Results: Reliable average and high (0.5-0.9) coefficients of correlation between cast accuracy and speed of run-off of 6 - meter segment y, jump from place, throwing of the stuffed ball with running, reaction rate, concentration of β-endorphins, hemoglobin, absolute and relative values of PWC170, activity of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system on the indicators of the heart rate. It has been shown that the indicators of the expanded complex testing of handball players are broken down on six factors.In the first and most important factor included indicators of speed-power preparedness and accuracy of throws, in combination with anthropometric data.. Conclusions. When training basic technical techniques in the handball should focus not only on the spatial-temporal parameters of technical movements, but also on the speed-power aspect of their implementation. This requires the development of appropriate teaching methods.

Authors and Affiliations

Ж. Л. Козина, Т. А. Базилюк, А. Г. Бойко


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  • EP ID EP290908
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1109904
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How To Cite

Ж. Л. Козина, Т. А. Базилюк, А. Г. Бойко (2017). Analysis of the structure of the integrated preparedness of qualified handballers using multidimensional analysis methods. Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация, 3(2), 15-24.