Journal Title: Ancient Land - Year 2024, Vol 6, Issue 6


Abstract This article focuses on examining the concept of dilution within the framework of European Union (EU) law. The EU's trademark law regulations are established to protect trademarks and prevent unfair competition. In this context, dilution actions encompass elements that can harm a trademark's distinctiveness or reputation and are associated with the unauthorized use of a trademark that provides unfair advantage. The EU legislation contains specific provisions to ensure protection against dilution actions to safeguard the reputation and distinctiveness of trademarks. This paper explores the concept of dilution, emphasizing the decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and relevant provisions of the EU Trademark Regulation. Particularly, it delves into various types of dilution such as blurring, free-riding, and tarnishment. It also discusses the factors to consider in determining the impact of dilution and highlights the significance of court rulings in this regard.

Authors and Affiliations

Jamal Zeynalli


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  • EP ID EP747757
  • DOI 10.36719/2706-6185/36/42-46
  • Views 1
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How To Cite

Jamal Zeynalli (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE TYPES OF DILUTION UNDER EUROPEAN LAW. Ancient Land, 6(6), -.