Analysis of unemployment level in Ukraine: problems and ways of its solving
Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue
studying results and analysis of unemployment problems. Research methodology. In the research process have been used such scientific methods: statistic and economic, comparative analysis, calculation. Research results. The current state of labor market and unemployment level in Ukraine have been analyzed, the reasons of growth of unemployment level have been defined, and offers to increase the employment level among the population have been formulated. Elements of scientific novelty. There has been analyzed an essence of a phenomenon of “unemployment”. The analysis of unemployment level in Ukraine has been carried out taking into account the dynamics of the number of unemployed and unemployment level in Ukraine in the period between 2011 and 2017. The analysis of unemployment level has uncovered the structure of an unemployed population in 2017 in Ukraine, according to which have been proposed the main ways of overcoming problems of unemployment of the population in Ukraine. Practical significance. The essence of the concept “unemployment” has been determined. The main problems of unemployment of the population of Ukraine have been considered. The analysis of dynamics of the unemployment level has been carried out and the reasons and factors that determine the unemployment level in Ukraine in recent years have been defined. On the basis of the carried-out analysis the main directions of unemployment overcoming and improvement of its regulation in Ukraine have been offered: creation (by the state) of necessary conditions for involvement of workers in the sphere of national economy, providing jobs in problem regions of the country, stimulation of businessmen to create new jobs, creation of jobs by the state through involvement of the unemployed in public works, reflection of real, reliable information about the unemployment level. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 13.
Authors and Affiliations
Svitlana Sliusar
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