Anatomy of the cervix in farahani breed ewes and lambs

Journal Title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 7


The sheep cervix has numerous and divers rings that reduce lambing rates after artificial insemination in sheep. There is high diversity between sheep breeds in cervix structure. In this study we considered the anatomy and the biometrical properties of the sheep cervix in Farahani breed. For this purpose two series of reproductive tracts include to 24 lambs and 26 adult ewes were collected from Arak abattoir and were moved to the lab. A morphometric measurement of cervix (length, weight and diameter) for adult ewes was 54.8, 7.2 gr and 9.76(mm) and for lambs was 37.4, 3.31 gr and 7.72 (mm). There are significant different between adult ewes and lambs in these traits. In the lambs length, weight and diameter of cervix was affected by the morphology of the cervical external os whereas in adult ewes, length and diameter of cervix was not affected by the morphology of the cervical external os.

Authors and Affiliations

M. Khodaei Motlagh| Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Arak University, Arak, - 38156-8-8349, Iran.


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  • EP ID EP694
  • DOI 10.14196/sjr.v3i7.1453
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How To Cite

M. Khodaei Motlagh (2014). Anatomy of the cervix in farahani breed ewes and lambs. Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 3(7), 198-202.