Ancient Cnidus and Its Vicinity (700-400 BC)

Journal Title: Cedrus: Akdeniz Uygarliklari Araştirma Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue


Scholars still debate the issue of the location of Cnidus. On contrary to the views of some scholars, it ap­pears that Cnidus was not relocated from Burgaz to Te­kir and that actually it lied just across the promontory of Triopium on the mainland at the tip of Cnidian Cherro­nesus from the colonial period onwards. It had surren­dered to the Persian general Harpagus in 546 BC. It does not seem to have involved in Ionian revolt, even though most of the Carian cities supported it. After the establish­ment of the Delian League in 478 BC, its military leaders, Pausanias and Cimon, sailed to the coasts of Caria and Lycia to control over the cities there and then get their financial support, including Cnidus. Having extended her political hegemony over the seas, Athens secured the overall control of the League by 454 BC. Then, by this ti­me onwards, she initiated to inscribe both the names and the payments of the League members on stone. In this study, we shall, first of all, concentrate on the issue of the location of Cnidus and then on the political relations of Cnidus with both the Persians and other Greek city-states during the first half of Vth century BC. Afterwards by taking into account the inscriptive evidence concern­ing the payments of Cnidus and the cities around her to the League as well as the other relevant literary sources, we shall try to make new inferences about the political cir­cumstances around Cnidus and its vicinity within the context of Athenian struggle against Persia and Sparta until the end of Vth century BC.

Authors and Affiliations

Muzaffer DEMİR, Alican DOĞAN


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  • EP ID EP203911
  • DOI 10.13113/CEDRUS.201704
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How To Cite

Muzaffer DEMİR, Alican DOĞAN (2017). Ancient Cnidus and Its Vicinity (700-400 BC). Cedrus: Akdeniz Uygarliklari Araştirma Dergisi, 5(), 57-77.