Journal Title: Muzealnictwo - Year 2016, Vol 57, Issue
2 November 2015 saw the death in London of Andrzej Ciechanowiecki, a historian, an outstanding collector and patron of art, born on 28 September 1924 in Warsaw, founder of the Ciechanowiecki Foundation operating at the Royal Castle in Warsaw (1986). He was a generous contributor to and a friend of Polish museums. For his services to Polish culture he was awarded the Order of the White Eagle, and for his scientific, cultural and social activities he was granted the title of doctor honoris causa of the Jagiellonian University, the University of Warsaw, the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque (USA) and the Belarusian State University in Minsk. As a collector, he focused on gathering the so-called polonica, i.e. works of art, documents and historical items connected with Poland, European modern sculpture and oil sketches, mainly 16th-, 17th- and 18th-century French ones. He was also a renowned expert in modern sculpture and European painting. His achievements also included building up friendly relations between Poland and Belarus, the Vatican, and cultural ties between Poland and Germany, Italy, Great Britain and with the Jewish community. Polish museum centres and libraries abroad were particularly close to him, the Polish Museum in Rapperswil among others, to which he offered numerous valuable works of art as long-term loans and co-created the museum exposition which exists today. For many years he was an active member of the Board of Société Historique et Littéraire Polonaise of the Polish Library in Paris and the Sikorski Institute in London. He was also an originator and co-organiser of many exhibitions prepared by American and Polish museum institutions, including "The Twilight of the Medici" (1974), "The Golden Age of Naples: Art and Civilization under the Bourbons 1734–1805" (1981) and "Kraj skrzydlatych jeźdźców. Sztuka w Polsce 1572–1764" (1999–2000). He was our teacher and a stern critic, he did not tolerate mediocrity, laziness, irresponsibility and nonchalance in voicing opinions and judgements. He always wanted us to match world standards in the field of museology.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Rottermund
National Museum of the American Indian Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C.
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