Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 21
У роботі представлено порівняльний аналіз двох моделей регулювання лобістської діяльності: англосаксонської (США, Канада, Австралія) та континентальної (Великобританія, ФРГ, Франція). Автор дослідив правові засади функціонування лобізму в кожній окремій державі, встановив, що обидві моделі передбачають створення правового поля для функціонування цього політичного інституту, містять обмеження для всіх учасників процесу лобіювання, як в нормативно-правових документах, так і в неофіційних правилах етичної поведінки (кодексах). У статті визначено основні особливості кожної із зазначених моделей та їх відмінності одна від одної. Lobbyism is an integral element of political system of state and one of the key channels for interaction between civil society and government. The transparency of its activities is a feature of democracy and openness of the process of making political decisions. The mechanism for efficient lobbying is of a special relevance for states with the institute of democracy at the stage of establishment. One of these countries is Ukraine. Despite certain legal basis of lobby work described in the Constitution of Ukraine, certain regulatory acts and numerous attempts to adopt the law in this field, the lobbyism in Ukraine, while existing de-facto stands apart from the legislation. Given this, the analysis of foreign experience of political and legal framework of regulating lobbying, i.e. two main models of its political formulation (Anglo-Saxon and Continental) is relevant. The object of the article is two main models of regulating lobbying which are Anglo-Saxon (classical) and Continental one (European), the subject is a comparative analysis of two of them. The target of the present research: based on comparative analysis to find out similar and distinct features of political and legal models of lobbyism. Based on the conducted analysis of legal framework of lobbyism in the countries with Anglo-Saxon (the USA, Canada, Australia) and continental models (Great Britain, Germany, France) the author concludes that both Anglo-Saxon and Continental models of regulating lobbyism foresee the establishment of legal environment to make this political institute function as well as set the limits for the participants of lobbying. Both models are characterized by self-regulation of lobbyism. There are different associations of lobbyists functioning in these countries and they establish their own rules of ethical conduct enshrined in the codes. Main difference of these models is that they provide for separate law on lobbyism, which establishes the procedure of registering and accounting of lobbyists. Laws on lobbying in the countries with Anglo-Saxon model regulate the activities of lobbyists, require obligatory registration of lobby-groups, reports on salary, current expenditures, sources of financing, and set legal limits for lobbyism in this country. Unlike the Anglo-Saxon model, the Continental model does not provide strict requirements to lobbyists, in the contrary, the legal framework of these states sets legal limitations mostly for public officials in their relations with representatives of civil society, and adopts certain codes of conduct for them. Highly developed political culture, sustainable democratic values are the reason of the absence of abuse in the field of influence on politics, low level of corruption with the absence of separate lobbying legislation.
Authors and Affiliations
Дмитро Валерійович Лубінець
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