Anjana Yogas in Visha Chikitsa: A Review


Agada tantra is an ashtanga of Ayurveda that deals with toxicology. The substance which causes sadness to the world just at the sight of it, is called visha. Poison is a substance which when introduced into or applied to the body is capable of injuring health or destroying life. It causes damage to tissues, illness or death to the organism. For the management of poison many procedures have been explained by Charaka as Chaturvimshati upakrama. Anjana and nasya are some of the measures which are mostly used in the emergency management of poisoning when the patient is in unconscious state. This article highlights the three important anjana yogas mentioned in visha vaidya jyotsnika

Authors and Affiliations

Krishnapriya S, Pavan K Sreerudran, Gazala Hussain


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How To Cite

Krishnapriya S, Pavan K Sreerudran, Gazala Hussain (2019). Anjana Yogas in Visha Chikitsa: A Review. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 0(0), 1-8.