Anthropological Creativity

Journal Title: Nauki o wychowaniu. Studia interdyscyplinarne - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 7


The paper deals with the general relation between various models of human nature and possible diverse senses of creativity. The main thesis says that because of various possible meanings of newness and connected with it creativity there is no such a model that principally excludes the possibility of creative behaviour. But the most extreme sense of creativity is contained in these anthropological models only that negate a material nature of men. To justify this opinion I refer especially to the concepts formulated by J .Ortega y Gasset and J.-P. Sartre <br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Leszek Kopciuch


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How To Cite

Leszek Kopciuch (2018). Anthropological Creativity. Nauki o wychowaniu. Studia interdyscyplinarne, 2(7), -.