Anthropological image analysis in the example of photography.

Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ - Year 2008, Vol 4, Issue 1


The article presents photography as a method of anthropological analysis, which undergoes interpretation while the interaction with the viewer is taking place. In the first part I concentrate on theoretical assumptions which focus on anthropological problems of the picture, especially semiology. Then, I describe the informants and the tools used – photography and research techniques: definitions of semantic fields; associations’ map and Robert Plutchik’s emotional model. The only formal criterion of the photographic samples was a common occurrence of a man and an animal. The material under analysis in this article, obtained during the interviews, concerns Krzysztof Hejke’s photograph Łódzkie podwórko from 1988. Out of the ten photographs chosen, this was the one that was found most interesting by the interviewed. I analyzed it considering emotions and associations it evoked and I constructed definitions of semantic fields of the photographic concept. I also discussed interpretations of the photograph, conducted taking the author’s intentions into account. In the last part of this text I present conclusions that may serve as a be a basis for future research.

Authors and Affiliations

Paulina Jędrzejewska


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How To Cite

Paulina Jędrzejewska (2008). Anthropological image analysis in the example of photography.. PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ, 4(1), 36-70.